The debit card mailer

The one thing a fintech bank wants you to do when their debit card drops through the letterbox is activate it. Get it activated and in your wallet. Then you’re further down the funnel to becoming a loyal, happy transacting customer.

Monzo launched their business account out of beta recently. Let’s see how they compare against Countingup, another business banking fintech. Both give you a piece of plastic to transact with but here we look at how it gets packaged up and delivered. This battle is focused on the mailer design, experience and messaging.

Monzo Business
May 5, 2020
Business banking
Debit card


Monzo Business


Countingup’s mailer is a simple folded card with the debit card slotted into 2 diagonal cuts. It’s printed in full colour print on a heavy stock. The satin coated finish gets scuffed and fingerprinted quite easily but as this is designed for a single use, it’s not really an issue here.

If you have any doubts about what Countingup can do for your business, this mailer puts them to bed. There is a run of copy under the debit card reminding you of automatic categorisation, contactless payments, notifications, profit and loss reports, and staying organised.

Flip to the back and icons remind customers of key features again. Do they need to keep selling these features? Yes, probably a good idea. Anything to encourage the customer to take that card out and get it activated.

Monzo Business

Monzo’s mailer drops through your door in a tidy square format. It holds the silver (it’s bright coral edged, okay!?) debit card in a snug pocket. If Patrick Bateman could pass Monzo’s KYB, he’d be quietly satisfied with the choice of textured, matt card stock with the foil blocked logo. It feels expensive. The considered design makes this premium, and why not, you’ve just set up a business.

As with Countingup, Monzo want you to know certain things about your business account. Monzo’s key features are boiled down to three and are also foil blocked: connecting accounting tools, multi-user access, and tax pots.

This mailer means serious (luxurious) business. There are no emojis in sight. 😉

Here’s what I think
Monzo Business sneak the win

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Here’s your new debit card. <a href="">@CountingupHQ</a> and <a href="">@MonzoBusiness</a> battle it out.<a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Fintech Battles™ (@fintechbattles) <a href="">May 5, 2020</a></blockquote><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

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