Add a logo to my invoice

Some people create their company invoices in accounting tools like Xero or FreeAgent. Some people get their fix using a spreadsheet or by wrangling a MS Word template. And some people (not a million miles away) laboriously use accounting software to generate and export their invoice, then retype all the information in Adobe InDesign and save it out as a PDF just so it looks tickey-boo. Business banks let you create invoices in-app too. A customer who invoices is likely to stick around.

People want professional invoices for their companies. Adding a logo to your invoice goes a long way to satisfying this need. In this battle we take a look at how Coconut and Tide let you customise your invoice by doing just that. If you’re still reading, congratulations, you’re officially a fintech customer experience nerd.

May 14, 2020
Business banking




You can add your logo via the business profile screen. The flow is really well executed. It’s almost like a UX-er, a designer and a copywriter (it could be one person for all I know) have actually enjoyed crafting this seemingly simple interaction. Empty states look like they want to be filled, microcopy explains that JPGs and PNGs are welcome, a help article is surfaced, and you have the choice of gallery or file browsing to hunt down your logo. Once your logo is uploaded, you can approve it in-situ on a zoomed, cropped preview of your invoice.

It’s considered interactions like these that add up to make an app awesome.


Tide’s flow is functional but it feels a bit unloved. The blank white box isn’t a great empty state and with no guidance on logo file format or size, a newbie might be put off. Adding file browsing would improve getting the logo into the app as I had to jump through a few hoops to get my PNG logo onto my iPhone’s photo gallery. Unfortunately, my logo is black text on transparency, so didn’t show on the black preview screen. Logos will always be displayed on white invoices so why not just preview them on a white background? The ability to remove a logo once uploaded would be good too.

Some fast fixes could make massive improvements.

Here’s what I think
A win for Coconut

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Invoice logo nerds, rejoice. <a href="">@getcoconut</a> v <a href="">@TideBusiness</a> battle it out. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Fintech Battles™ (@fintechbattles) <a href="">May 14, 2020</a></blockquote><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

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